Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Looks like I'm not the only one...

Counting down the days 'til the holiday weekend! In my procrastination I discovered this lovely blog and, AND she pictured the most delicious sandwich ever found at Provisions on Nantucket. Once upon a time, during a summer long, long ago I worked down the wharf from provisions and ate many a turkey sandwich.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Combatting frustration with...TOO much!

Today is just one of those "too" days: It's too hot. I (stupidly) paid way too much for 2 apricots. I am overwhelmed with too much work. I am letting myself get too annoyed. You get my point. So, to counter this I found things that make me smile because they are, quite simply, too much. In a good way :)

Leather shorts for men: really!? I mean, I'm totally ok with it.
Hats for women: straw, bowler, summer beanies...LOVE!!!

Pictures of beach umbrellas because why not?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Who knew!?

The internet is a vast and fascinating place. It's hard not to get sucked in. Here's what I've found recently:

Wedges. Y.U.M.

Eddie Rabbit - dreamy no?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

One more thing...

I don't know if it's a sense of nostalgia (who didn't have a "Don't Worry Be Happy" tee in NEON yellow when they were 8?!) or an affinity to shine but I heart Neon.


I love Hello Kitty. Always have, probably always will. My firefox customized search bar has the Hello Kitty red bow in the upper right hand corner. What?

Imagine my glee when I saw these beauts - thank you Nylon!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

If I had an alter ego...

I oh-so briefly entertained the idea of becoming a fashion designer. When it became apparent my talents were not sketching (and that's not something you can fake) I decided to become a fashion admirer instead. If I could (draw, that is), I hope I'd be clever and crafty enough to create something like these super fun illustrations of Cassandra Carmen by Sandra B. Bently.
PS, what are our thoughts on Herve Leger...at weddings? Hmmm, maybe if I had an alter ego. With killer thighs.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Doesn't this make you long to be on the lake at 6AM...well, like 9AM?