Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What was I thinking?!

Loooong story short - I found myself at Saks Fifth Avenue yesterday. Browsing. And stumbled upon this little gem: It's a Marc Jacobs Leather Zip-Around Wallet. And I really feel like it's the perfect accessory for someone, namely me, who schleps everything but her kitchen sink onto and off of the island of Manhattan each day. What better accessory to throw your cash, credit/metro cards and (hello!?) lip gloss into without worrying about tearing a rotator cuff. Basically,

Marc Jacobs Zip-Around Wallet = Better Health

Alas, I couldn't find a price tag. I honestly thought (silly me) that it would be affordable. Like if I promised to eat ramen for the next month, I could do it. Again, silly me, Check out the price tag: $550 (more than 1/2 my rent). Actually, more than all the apparel I've purchased in the last year. More than a plane ticket to Bali (I'm just guessing...) And more than 1000 packages of Ramen. Sigh. A girl can dream...and maybe spend frivolously?

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