I'm getting a cat tomorrow! Ok. Not really. I mean, there is a cat moving into my apartment - temporarily. I don't have to pay for anything so basically I'm operating a glorified kennel. A cat hospice if you will... Still, this is the first time in (ahem) ever that it's my responsibility to keep something other than myself and a goldfish alive. The latter of which I've been relatively unsuccessful at. And before anyone starts making cracks about the single girl with a cat...please...let's be more original, shall we?

Oh, and if you're looking to kill some time - check out this gem of a website:
http://catsinsinks.com/ Yup! Cats.In.Sinks. :)
I don't know what you're talking about...I don't think keeping a $.99 goldfish alive for like 20 years counts as unsuccessful to any degree. More like superhuman...fish whisperer, if you will.
Good luck w/the kitty!
Your cat look very Nice : )
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