Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Food for Thought

In an effort to create a healthier version of Heather, I’ve started “practicing” Yoga. Oh and PS, that’s how you do it, you practice yoga. Clearly I need more practice because in a recent class, my teacher had us do forearm stands. Right. He was under the impression that I would be able to do this–ahem–add this to my yoga practice. It was unsuccessful.

I should probably reevaluate my motivation. The goal of Yoga is the "attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility" (according to Wikipedia). My goal was Madonna Arms.PS: Madonna is opening a chain of fitness centers. Sign me up!

So. Insightful and tranquil. Pretty soon, these words will describe me! Erm, do tranquil people use exclamation points?

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