Monday, September 29, 2014


You guys. I think I like Surrealism. I recently fell in love with the photography of Laurent Chehere--particularly this image:

I mean, I've always loved Salvador Dali. Time out. I worked with a girl in France who had a Dali elephant tattooed up her entire back and it was, in a word, amazing...turns out lots of people have Dali Elephants tattooed - it's a thing. Check out the google autofill (!)

Anyway, I haven't done anything serious about my new(ly discovered) interest in surrealism other than look at amazing, dreamy, surreal pictures. But really, how fun are these?!

Nicoletta Ceccoli

Rafal Olbinski

No idea who painted this?

I've already gushed about Tim Walker
Equilibrium by Yoguy108

Caras Ionut

Happy Monday - Bisous!

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